Vocabulary Set A

1. It is not prudent to approach strangers found in isolated spots.

A. wise
B. clever
C. possible
D. safe

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A. wise

2. The results of the experiment were anomalous, causing the scientists to question their methods.

A. normal
B. irregular
C. predictable
D. clear

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B. irregular

3. She showed great tenacity in overcoming the obstacles she faced.

A. determination
B. doubt
C. hesitation
D. uncertainty

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A. determination

4. The speaker’s message was coherent and easy to understand.

A. confusing
B. unclear
C. logical
D. disjointed

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C. logical

5. The team made a meticulous effort to ensure that all details were accurate.

A. careless
B. thorough
C. quick
D. haphazard

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B. thorough

6. His comments were intended to incite anger among the crowd.

A. calm
B. provoke
C. ignore
D. dismiss

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B. provoke

7. The artist’s style is distinctive, making his work easily recognizable.

A. common
B. similar
C. unique
D. indistinct

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C. unique

8. The research findings were ambiguous, leaving room for multiple interpretations.

A. clear
B. definite
C. precise
D. uncertain

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D. uncertain

9. The politician’s speech was filled with rhetoric rather than substantial content.

A. meaningless talk
B. action
C. persuasion
D. facts

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A. meaningless talk

10. The judge was known for being impartial in all cases.

A. biased
B. fair
C. strict
D. lenient

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B. fair

11. The ancient ruins were a testament to the civilization’s achievements.

A. criticism
B. document
C. proof
D. story

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C. proof

12. The community was cohesive, working together towards a common goal.

A. divided
B. united
C. isolated
D. indifferent

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B. united

13. His argument was compelling, convincing many of his point of view.

A. persuasive
B. dull
C. weak
D. unconvincing

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A. persuasive

14. The climate in the region is arid, with very little rainfall throughout the year.

A. humid
B. dry
C. wet
D. lush

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B. dry

15. The novel’s ending was ambiguous, leaving readers to draw their own conclusions.

A. straightforward
B. confusing
C. clear-cut
D. explicit

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B. confusing

16. She was elated to hear the good news.

A. upset
B. relieved
C. overjoyed
D. indifferent

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C. overjoyed

17. The intricate design of the jewelry was admired by all.

A. simple
B. complex
C. ordinary
D. plain

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B. complex

18. The adverse weather conditions caused delays in the flight schedule.

A. favorable
B. severe
C. unpredictable
D. good

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B. severe

19. The novice chef accidentally burned the sauce.

A. expert
B. inexperienced
C. skilled
D. seasoned

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B. inexperienced

20. The ominous clouds suggested that a storm was approaching.

A. threatening
B. harmless
C. clear
D. fluffy

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A. threatening

21. The prolific writer published three novels in a single year.

A. unproductive
B. creative
C. inspired
D. fruitful

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D. fruitful

22. His frugal lifestyle allowed him to save a considerable amount of money.

A. extravagant
B. wasteful
C. thrifty
D. lavish

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C. thrifty

23. The witness’s account was credible, supporting the defendant’s story.

A. reliable
B. doubtful
C. unbelievable
D. false

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A. reliable

24. The scientist’s theory was innovative, challenging conventional wisdom.

A. novel
B. traditional
C. outdated
D. typical

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A. novel

A. reserved
B. cheerful
C. introverted
D. quiet

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B. cheerful

