Vocabulary Set D

1. Altruistic

A. selfish
B. selfless
C. indifferent
D. cautious

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B. selfless

2. Adversary

A. friend
B. ally
C. opponent
D. mentor

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C. opponent

3. Ardent

A. passionate
B. apathetic
C. passive
D. indifferent

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A. passionate

4. Benevolent

A. hostile
B. cruel
C. negligent
D. kind-hearted

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D. kind-hearted

5. Coherent

A. chaotic
B. logical
C. vague
D. confusing

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B. logical

6. Conserve

A. protect
B. waste
C. destroy
D. neglect

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A. protect

7. Detrimental

A. supportive
B. beneficial
C. harmful
D. harmless

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C. harmful

8. Dormant

A. inactive
B. active
C. vigorous
D. bustling

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A. inactive

9. Empathy

A. hostility
B. indifference
C. understanding
D. confusion

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C. understanding

10. Exclude

A. admit
B. include
C. accept
D. leave out

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D. leave out

11. Futile

A. productive
B. pointless
C. beneficial
D. effective

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B. pointless

12. Imminent

A. about to happen
B. distant
C. unlikely
D. past

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A. about to happen

13. Infer

A. ignore
B. assume
C. deduce
D. announce

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C. deduce

14. Irate

A. calm
B. angry
C. cheerful
D. indifferent

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B. angry

15. Mundane

A. unusual
B. extraordinary
C. exciting
D. ordinary

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D. ordinary

16. Notorious

A. famous for bad reasons
B. well-known
C. unknown
D. admired

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A. famous for bad reasons

17. Oblique

A. indirect
B. direct
C. clear
D. straightforward

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A. indirect

18. Perceptive

A. insightful
B. oblivious
C. naive
D. dull

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A. insightful

19. Precise

A. exact
B. vague
C. approximate
D. random

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A. exact

20. Revere

A. respect deeply
B. criticize
C. ignore
D. dismiss

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A. respect deeply

21. Robust

A. weak
B. strong
C. fragile
D. delicate

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B. strong

22. Secular

A. sacred
B. spiritual
C. non-religious
D. theological

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C. non-religious

23. Subtle

A. blatant
B. obvious
C. harsh
D. delicate

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D. delicate

24. Tangent

A. main point
B. focus
C. continuation
D. digression

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D. digression

25. Unprecedented

A. never before seen
B. common
C. usual
D. expected

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A. never before seen

