Vocabulary Set F

1. I was so _______ (1) by the news that I couldn’t stop smiling all day. My friends even noticed my unusual _______ (2) and asked what had happened.

A. delighted
B. disappointed
C. confused
D. bored

A. cheerfulness
B. gloom
C. puzzlement
D. apathy

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The answers are:

A. delighted - This means very happy or pleased.
A. cheerfulness - This refers to a state of being happy and optimistic.

2. The artist’s work was so _______ (1) that it evoked strong emotions in everyone who saw it. Her _______ (2) use of color was particularly striking.

A. uninspired
B. captivating
C. dull
D. ordinary

A. clumsy
B. haphazard
C. masterful
D. careless

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The answers are:

B. captivating - This means very attractive or charming.
C. masterful - This refers to being skillful or accomplished.

3. He was so _______ (1) in his studies that he barely had time for anything else. His _______ (2) was evident to everyone.

A. negligent
B. devoted
C. uninterested
D. distracted

A. apathy
B. disinterest
C. indifference
D. commitment

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The answers are:

B. devoted - This means giving all or most of one’s time or resources to a person, activity, or cause.
D. commitment - This refers to being dedicated to a cause or activity.

4. The CEO was _______ (1) in his decision to expand the company, despite the risks involved. His _______ (2) convinced the board to support the plan.

A. resolute
B. uncertain
C. hesitant
D. wavering

A. indecisiveness
B. determination
C. doubt
D. confusion

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The answers are:

A. resolute - This means admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.
B. determination - This refers to firmness of purpose.

5. The speech was so _______ (1) that the audience couldn’t help but feel inspired. The speaker’s _______ (2) delivery added to the impact.

A. monotonous
B. boring
C. dull
D. inspirational

A. lifeless
B. uninspired
C. flat
D. passionate

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The answers are:

D. inspirational - This means providing motivation or encouragement.
D. passionate - This refers to showing or caused by strong feelings or a strong belief.

6. The scientist was so _______ (1) in his research that he made groundbreaking discoveries. His _______ (2) was recognized by the scientific community.

A. lazy
B. negligent
C. diligent
D. careless

A. indifference
B. dedication
C. apathy
D. neglect

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The answers are:

C. diligent - This means having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
B. dedication - This refers to being committed to a task or purpose.

7. The movie was so _______ (1) that it left the audience on the edge of their seats. The director’s _______ (2) style was evident in every scene.

A. thrilling
B. dull
C. boring
D. tedious

A. uninspired
B. lackluster
C. innovative
D. unremarkable

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The answers are:

A. thrilling - This means producing a feeling of excitement or exhilaration.
C. innovative - This refers to introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.

8. The young prodigy was _______ (1) beyond his years, impressing even the most seasoned professionals. His _______ (2) talent was undeniable.

A. ignorant
B. talented
C. naive
D. inexperienced

A. mediocre
B. average
C. forgettable
D. remarkable

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The answers are:

B. talented - This means having a natural aptitude or skill for something.
D. remarkable - This refers to being worthy of attention; striking.

9. The team’s _______ (1) performance in the championship game was a result of their _______ (2) preparation and training.

A. lackluster
B. outstanding
C. mediocre
D. disappointing

A. haphazard
B. careless
C. rigorous
D. negligent

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The answers are:

B. outstanding - This means exceptionally good.
C. rigorous - This refers to being extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate.

10. The witness gave a _______ (1) account of the incident, which helped the investigators solve the case. Her _______ (2) was appreciated by everyone involved.

A. vague
B. unclear
C. detailed
D. confusing

A. dishonesty
B. integrity
C. deceit
D. misrepresentation

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The answers are:

C. detailed - This means providing a lot of information with many details.
B. integrity - This refers to the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.

11. The storm was so _______ (1) that it caused widespread damage across the region. The community’s _______ (2) response helped in the recovery efforts.

A. mild
B. gentle
C. devastating
D. weak

A. apathetic
B. indifferent
C. coordinated
D. disorganized

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The answers are:

C. devastating - This means highly destructive or damaging.
C. coordinated - This refers to being well-organized and efficient.

12. The novel was so _______ (1) that it quickly became a bestseller. The author’s _______ (2) storytelling captivated readers worldwide.

A. gripping
B. boring
C. dull
D. tedious

A. compelling
B. uninspired
C. lackluster
D. weak

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The answers are:

A. gripping - This means firmly holding the attention or interest of the reader or viewer.
A. compelling - This refers to evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.

13. The professor’s lecture was so _______ (1) that the students were completely engaged. His _______ (2) teaching style made complex topics easy to understand.

A. boring
B. enlightening
C. tedious
D. dull

A. confusing
B. lucid
C. bewildering
D. perplexing

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The answers are:

B. enlightening - This means giving greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.
B. lucid - This refers to being expressed clearly; easy to understand.

14. The team’s _______ (1) strategy led to a decisive victory in the final match. Their _______ (2) execution of the plan was flawless.

A. flawed
B. brilliant
C. ineffective
D. misguided

A. sloppy
B. careless
C. precise
D. unplanned

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The answers are:

B. brilliant - This means exceptionally clever or talented.
C. precise - This refers to being marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.

15. The author’s _______ (1) wit made the book a delight to read. Her _______ (2) use of language was both entertaining and insightful.

A. dull
B. serious
C. sharp
D. unamusing

A. clumsy
B. awkward
C. inept
D. skillful

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The answers are:

C. sharp - This means having a keen sense of humor or intellect.
D. skillful - This refers to having or showing skill in a particular area.

16. The explorer’s _______ (1) determination allowed him to overcome numerous obstacles. His _______ (2) spirit was admired by all who knew him.

A. unyielding
B. wavering
C. feeble
D. uncertain

A. resolute
B. discouraged
C. defeated
D. beaten

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The answers are:

A. unyielding - This means unlikely to be swayed; firm in resolve.
A. resolute - This refers to being admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering.

17. The scientist’s _______ (1) discovery changed the course of history. Her _______ (2) approach to research was groundbreaking.

A. insignificant
B. trivial
C. monumental
D. unimportant

A. conservative
B. conventional
C. cautious
D. innovative

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The answers are:

C. monumental - This means great in importance, extent, or size.
D. innovative - This refers to introducing new ideas; original and creative in thinking.

18. The politician’s _______ (1) promises won him the election, but his _______ (2) actions soon led to widespread disappointment.

A. empty
B. sincere
C. genuine
D. heartfelt

A. trustworthy
B. deceptive
C. honest
D. transparent

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The answers are:

A. empty - This means not sincere or not likely to be fulfilled.
B. deceptive - This refers to giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading.

A. unjust
B. fair
C. biased
D. partial

A. unsound
B. illogical
C. flawed
D. sound

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The answers are:

B. fair - This means in accordance with the rules or standards; legitimate.
D. sound - This refers to being based on valid reasoning or good judgment.

20. The engineer’s _______ (1) design made the structure both functional and beautiful. Her _______ (2) attention to detail was evident in every aspect of the project.

A. careless
B. shoddy
C. innovative
D. flawed

A. meticulous
B. haphazard
C. negligent
D. sloppy

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The answers are:

C. innovative - This means introducing new ideas or methods.
A. meticulous - This refers to showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.

21. The musician’s _______ (1) performance captivated the audience. His _______ (2) skill with the instrument was unmatched.

A. lackluster
B. unremarkable
C. breathtaking
D. dull

A. mediocre
B. inferior
C. exceptional
D. subpar

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The answers are:

C. breathtaking - This means astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality.
C. exceptional - This refers to being unusually good or outstanding.

22. The project’s _______ (1) success was due to the team’s _______ (2) collaboration and hard work.

A. disastrous
B. mediocre
C. resounding
D. insignificant

A. fragmented
B. divided
C. ineffective
D. seamless

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The answers are:

C. resounding - This means unmistakable; leaving no doubt.
D. seamless - This refers to being smooth and continuous, with no apparent gaps or spaces between one part and the next.

23. The _______ (1) weather made the day perfect for a picnic. The family’s _______ (2) mood added to the enjoyment.

A. miserable
B. delightful
C. gloomy
D. dreary

A. joyful
B. melancholy
C. sullen
D. morose

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The answers are:

B. delightful - This means causing delight; charming.
A. joyful - This refers to being full of joy; very happy.

24. The teacher’s _______ (1) approach to the subject made it easy for students to learn. Her _______ (2) patience was appreciated by all.

A. confusing
B. complicated
C. perplexing
D. clear

A. tolerance
B. irritation
C. impatience
D. intolerance

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The answers are:

D. clear - This means easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
A. tolerance - This refers to the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular, the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

25. The athlete’s _______ (1) effort in the competition earned him a gold medal. His _______ (2) dedication to training was evident.

A. halfhearted
B. lackluster
C. determined
D. indifferent

A. laziness
B. commitment
C. negligence
D. apathy

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The answers are:

C. determined - This means having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it.
B. commitment - This refers to the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause or activity.

