Vocabulary Set G

1. The landscape was so _______ (1) that it took everyone’s breath away. The _______ (2) colors of the sunset added to the beauty.

A. plain
B. dull
C. stunning
D. ordinary

A. drab
B. muted
C. vibrant
D. lifeless

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The answers are:

C. stunning - This means extremely impressive or attractive.
C. vibrant - This refers to being full of energy and enthusiasm or having bright and striking colors.

2. The professor’s _______ (1) explanation made the complex topic easy to understand. Her _______ (2) teaching style was praised by students.

A. convoluted
B. clear
C. confusing
D. intricate

A. chaotic
B. disorganized
C. structured
D. haphazard

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The answers are:

B. clear - This means easy to understand.
C. structured - This refers to being organized in a clear, effective way.

3. The artist was known for her _______ (1) imagination, which she expressed through her _______ (2) paintings.

A. uninspired
B. limited
C. boundless
D. narrow

A. mundane
B. commonplace
C. ordinary
D. extraordinary

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The answers are:

C. boundless - This means having no boundaries; infinite.
D. extraordinary - This refers to being very unusual or remarkable.

4. The lawyer’s _______ (1) argument convinced the jury to deliver a verdict in favor of her client. Her _______ (2) reasoning was difficult to refute.

A. compelling
B. flawed
C. weak
D. dubious

A. logical
B. unsound
C. questionable
D. shaky

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The answers are:

A. compelling - This means evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way.
A. logical - This refers to reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

5. The leader’s _______ (1) vision for the future inspired the entire team. His _______ (2) leadership style earned him the respect of his peers.

A. shortsighted
B. visionary
C. uninspired
D. narrow

A. autocratic
B. charismatic
C. uninspiring
D. dictatorial

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The answers are:

B. visionary - This means thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom.
B. charismatic - This refers to exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others.

6. The scientist’s _______ (1) research was recognized with a prestigious award. His _______ (2) findings have had a significant impact on the field.

A. shoddy
B. substandard
C. mediocre
D. groundbreaking

A. insignificant
B. trivial
C. negligible
D. revolutionary

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The answers are:

D. groundbreaking - This means introducing new ideas or methods.
D. revolutionary - This refers to bringing about a major change.

7. The soldier’s _______ (1) courage in battle earned him a medal of honor. His _______ (2) actions saved many lives.

A. cowardly
B. valiant
C. hesitant
D. timid

A. reckless
B. foolhardy
C. brave
D. careless

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The answers are:

B. valiant - This means showing courage or determination.
C. brave - This refers to being ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.

8. The novelist’s _______ (1) storytelling captivated readers from the first page to the last. Her _______ (2) characters were particularly memorable.

A. dull
B. captivating
C. lackluster
D. uninspired

A. vibrant
B. forgettable
C. lifeless
D. dull

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The answers are:

B. captivating - This means attracting and holding interest or attention.
A. vibrant - This refers to being full of energy and enthusiasm.

9. The charity’s _______ (1) efforts resulted in a successful fundraising campaign. The _______ (2) support of the community was crucial to its success.

A. halfhearted
B. lukewarm
C. enthusiastic
D. indifferent

A. apathetic
B. unenthusiastic
C. lackluster
D. overwhelming

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The answers are:

C. enthusiastic - This means having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
D. overwhelming - This refers to being very great in amount.

10. The _______ (1) landscape made the hike through the mountains worth every step. The _______ (2) views from the summit were unforgettable.

A. majestic
B. desolate
C. barren
D. bleak

A. mediocre
B. underwhelming
C. breathtaking
D. ordinary

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The answers are:

A. majestic - This means having or showing impressive beauty or dignity.
C. breathtaking - This refers to being astonishing or awe-inspiring in quality.

11. The _______ (1) weather made it a perfect day for a picnic. Everyone’s _______ (2) mood added to the enjoyment of the day.

A. stormy
B. delightful
C. gloomy
D. miserable

A. sullen
B. morose
C. depressed
D. cheerful

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The answers are:

B. delightful - This means causing delight; charming.
D. cheerful - This refers to being noticeably happy and optimistic.

12. The team’s _______ (1) performance in the final match secured their victory. Their _______ (2) teamwork was key to their success.

A. lackluster
B. mediocre
C. disappointing
D. stellar

A. disjointed
B. seamless
C. chaotic
D. haphazard

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The answers are:

D. stellar - This means exceptionally good; outstanding.
B. seamless - This refers to being smooth and continuous, with no apparent gaps or spaces between one part and the next.

13. The speaker’s _______ (1) message resonated with the audience. His _______ (2) delivery made the speech even more impactful.

A. muddled
B. incoherent
C. clear
D. confusing

A. monotone
B. flat
C. lifeless
D. dynamic

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The answers are:

C. clear - This means easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
D. dynamic - This refers to being characterized by constant change, activity, or progress; energetic and forceful.

14. The _______ (1) response to the new policy surprised the management. The employees’ _______ (2) support was unexpected.

A. apathetic
B. lukewarm
C. enthusiastic
D. indifferent

A. hostile
B. antagonistic
C. resistant
D. wholehearted

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The answers are:

C. enthusiastic - This means having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
D. wholehearted - This refers to showing or characterized by complete sincerity and commitment.

15. The _______ (1) detective solved the case with ease. Her _______ (2) analysis of the evidence was spot-on.

A. bumbling
B. inept
C. skilled
D. clueless

A. flawed
B. insightful
C. incorrect
D. misguided

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The answers are:

C. skilled - This means having or showing the knowledge, ability, or training to perform a certain activity or task well.
B. insightful - This refers to having or showing an accurate and deep understanding.

16. The company’s _______ (1) growth over the past year exceeded all expectations. Their _______ (2) strategy paid off.

A. rapid
B. sluggish
C. stagnant
D. slow

A. sound
B. ineffective
C. flawed
D. haphazard

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The answers are:

A. rapid - This means happening in a short time or at a fast pace.
A. sound - This refers to being based on valid reasoning or good judgment.

17. The _______ (1) customer service left a lasting impression on the clients. The staff’s _______ (2) approach was appreciated by all.

A. rude
B. indifferent
C. unhelpful
D. exceptional

A. apathetic
B. inattentive
C. considerate
D. careless

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The answers are:

D. exceptional - This means unusually good or outstanding.
C. considerate - This refers to being careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.

18. The _______ (1) reaction from the crowd showed how much they enjoyed the performance. The artist’s _______ (2) talent was on full display.

A. enthusiastic
B. muted
C. lukewarm
D. indifferent

A. extraordinary
B. unremarkable
C. mediocre
D. average

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The answers are:

A. enthusiastic - This means having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
A. extraordinary - This refers to being very unusual or remarkable.

19. The _______ (1) explanation of the instructions helped everyone understand the task. The teacher’s _______ (2) patience was key to the students’ success.

A. confusing
B. clear
C. complicated
D. ambiguous

A. impatience
B. tolerance
C. frustration
D. irritation

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The answers are:

B. clear - This means easy to perceive, understand, or interpret.
B. tolerance - This refers to the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular, the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

20. The _______ (1) turnout at the event exceeded expectations. The organizers were _______ (2) by the level of interest.

A. disappointing
B. low
C. impressive
D. underwhelming

A. surprised
B. discouraged
C. disheartened
D. unimpressed

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The answers are:

C. impressive - This means evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill.
A. surprised - This refers to feeling or showing surprise because something was unexpected.

21. The _______ (1) review of the book encouraged many to read it. The critic’s _______ (2) analysis was widely respected.

A. scathing
B. glowing
C. critical
D. negative

A. insightful
B. shallow
C. superficial
D. cursory

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The answers are:

B. glowing - This means giving praise or approval in an enthusiastic manner.
A. insightful - This refers to having or showing an accurate and deep understanding.

22. The _______ (1) support from the community helped the project succeed. The volunteers’ _______ (2) efforts were invaluable.

A. lukewarm
B. hesitant
C. wholehearted
D. reluctant

A. apathetic
B. disinterested
C. tireless
D. halfhearted

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The answers are:

C. wholehearted - This means showing or characterized by complete sincerity and commitment.
C. tireless - This refers to showing great effort or energy; not easily fatigued.

23. The _______ (1) mood in the room changed when the unexpected news was announced. The _______ (2) reactions ranged from shock to disbelief.

A. jubilant
B. somber
C. joyous
D. cheerful

A. emotional
B. muted
C. indifferent
D. apathetic

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The answers are:

B. somber - This means dark or dull in color or tone; gloomy.
A. emotional - This refers to showing strong feelings.

24. The _______ (1) book quickly became a bestseller. The author’s _______ (2) writing style appealed to a wide audience.

A. unpopular
B. obscure
C. overlooked
D. widely read

A. dry
B. dull
C. engaging
D. monotonous

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The answers are:

D. widely read - This means read by a large number of people.
C. engaging - This refers to being charming and attractive; holding the attention or interest.

25. The _______ (1) pace of the project was frustrating for everyone involved. The manager’s _______ (2) leadership was questioned.

A. rapid
B. sluggish
C. brisk
D. speedy

A. efficient
B. ineffective
C. competent
D. capable

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The answers are:

B. sluggish - This means slow-moving or inactive.
B. ineffective - This refers to not producing the desired result.

