Vocabulary Set I

1. Which word means “to pacify or soothe”?

A. aggravate
B. appease
C. exacerbate
D. incite

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B. appease

2. What does “exorbitant” mean?

A. reasonable
B. limited
C. moderate
D. excessive

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D. excessive

3. Which term describes a person who is overly concerned with their appearance?

A. reticent
B. modest
C. aloof
D. vain

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D. vain

4. What does “inscrutable” mean?

A. mysterious or difficult to understand
B. easily understood
C. obvious
D. straightforward

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A. mysterious or difficult to understand

5. Which word means “to make something less severe or intense”?

A. alleviate
B. intensify
C. exacerbate
D. aggravate

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A. alleviate

6. What does “quintessential” mean?

A. non-essential
B. perfect example
C. abstract
D. uncommon

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B. perfect example

7. Which term refers to a person who is excessively concerned with accuracy and detail?

A. meticulous
B. sloppy
C. negligent
D. careless

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A. meticulous

8. What does “bucolic” mean?

A. urban
B. industrial
C. rural and picturesque
D. chaotic

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C. rural and picturesque

9. Which word means “an emotional outburst or a sudden burst of activity”?

A. temper
B. eruption
C. episode
D. interlude

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B. eruption

10. What does “dissonant” mean?

A. discordant
B. harmonious
C. soothing
D. rhythmic

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A. discordant

11. Which term describes a strong and bitter verbal attack?

A. commendation
B. eulogy
C. encomium
D. diatribe

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D. diatribe

12. What does “insidious” mean?

A. obvious
B. straightforward
C. harmful but subtle
D. benign

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C. harmful but subtle

13. Which word means “to respect or admire someone deeply”?

A. disdain
B. scorn
C. revere
D. disregard

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C. revere

14. What does “translucent” mean?

A. opaque
B. completely clear
C. solid
D. allowing light to pass through

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D. allowing light to pass through

15. Which term describes something that is impossible to explain or understand?

A. enigmatic
B. trivial
C. mundane
D. evident

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A. enigmatic

16. What does “pensive” mean?

A. cheerful
B. angry
C. thoughtful and reflective
D. indifferent

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C. thoughtful and reflective

17. Which word means “to hold or keep back something”?

A. release
B. disclose
C. suppress
D. reveal

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C. suppress

18. What does “impetuous” mean?

A. reckless and impulsive
B. cautious
C. methodical
D. deliberate

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A. reckless and impulsive

19. Which term describes a person who is calm and unemotional in a crisis?

A. frantic
B. hysterical
C. anxious
D. stoic

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D. stoic

20. What does “austere” mean?

A. severe or strict
B. luxurious
C. cheerful
D. elaborate

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A. severe or strict

21. Which word means “a sudden or unexpected event that causes a significant change”?

A. paradigm shift
B. anomaly
C. routine
D. predictability

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A. paradigm shift

22. What does “cogent” mean?

A. convincing and clear
B. weak
C. obscure
D. irrelevant

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A. convincing and clear

23. Which term describes a belief or idea that is accepted without question?

A. theory
B. dogma
C. hypothesis
D. conjecture

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B. dogma

24. What does “resilient” mean?

A. fragile
B. able to recover quickly
C. inflexible
D. susceptible

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B. able to recover quickly

25. Which word means “to make a small change or improvement”?

A. modify
B. overhaul
C. obliterate
D. destroy

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A. modify

